This question has probably been asked of all of us at one time in our life. It is a difficult one for those who like to be exact. Each person has their own level of pain. I've seen a child fall to pieces over a scrape on the knee and a grown man not able to function over the flu.....and then I've seen a women receive a toxic chemical in her body to fight cancer and go to work that very same day. I've experienced a level of pain that I'm positive if you asked me at the time I would have said 10, but looking back I can see God holding me saying " you're ok, I've got you."
The Lord not only grows us during these times, but is showing us how important discipleship is in our Christian walk.
"If you falter in times of trouble, how small is your strength,!" Proverbs 27:10
I was in a spin class the other day and the instructor tells us to turn it up to a 7 or 8.... Then after so many minutes she'd tell us to bring it down to a 4 or 5. This can be difficult. I question myself and think, " is this a 7?" How small is my strength? What is a 10?
I'm thinking a 10 is "I can't function". So.... Unless I'm dead, and even then, I'll be in the presence of my Savior, I'm not at a 10. In all areas of my life, I don't want anyone, especially my Lord, to say, "how small is your strength!"
This is why time in His word is so vital. Not the word that the pastor gives on Sunday morning. That's just extra. It's our personal, one on one, focused time with God that prepares us for that question " what is your level of pain?" Again, everyone's perspective can be so different unless we see things through the lens of God. Look at Jeremiah as he questioned God because of the trouble he faced. God asked how he ever expected to face big challenges if the little ones tired him out ( Jeremiah 12:5) this tells me God must have had a different perspective than Jeremiah. Jeremiah must have thought his pain level was an 8 or 9 and God was saying.... "Let's try a 3 or 4!"
We can't do this thing called life without Him my friends! I often ask myself how people do it without Christ. The answer is, they do.... It's just so sad, such a struggle and a mess and it doesn't have to be. Let's not think just about ourselves and help others have this same perspective. But before we can help others, we ourselves need to be healthy in this area. This holiday season feed yourself on God's word.
In His Strength,
The Mrs. Pastor