HEEELLLLOOOO all my faithful readers. Did you think I fell off the planet? We've had a few changes in our family dynamics....One moves out for college and my niece moves in to finish her senior year with us. So, two senior girls and one 16 yr old ready to get her license in the Lee house. Never a dull moment!
But let's get to the good stuff. The stuff I love to share....God's word. His powerful, life-changing, inspirational, strengthening word.
Today's scripture reading:
"How much better to GET wisdom than gold, to CHOOSE understanding than rather than silver"
Proverbs 16:16
What I love about this blogging thing is that it allows me to have a platform to live out what I have such a passion for: being a student and a teacher. The GREAT teachers are also great students themselves. They are constantly making observations not only of their own lives but that of others. These intentional people then use that information to educate themselves on how they can better educate their students. That was a mouthful..:)
This brings us to our verse today. Every single moment of our day is a lesson, an assignment if you will. We are either brainstorming (we call this reflection) ,drafting (we call this just living), revising (we call this repenting and making some changes) or we are presenting our final piece (this is a God ordained moment that He has prepared you for).
In each of these stages you have to make an effort to GET, to physically, spiritually, mentally "do". You have to make a CHOICE to understand the process leads to the product. It has taken me a long time to put such great importance on the process when all I wanted to do is see the result.
So, to all you "students" out there....can you slow down and GET this? Can you accept some instruction from this teacher? Here is my challenge:
1. make time in your day to understand the lesson or assignment.
2. once you understand, do something with it.
3. ask your teacher (The Lord) questions and for guidance.
4. be teachable and make changes, revision, when necessary. That's part of the process.
5. embrace the learning process and walk in complete confidence in your God-ordained moment! Publish your piece (whatever that looks like for you), He's got you covered!
Where do you go from here? Forward! It's a purposeful place to be moving....forward!
Thanks for not giving up on me during this last month,
The Mrs. Pastor